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TLF: 963 392 051 / FAX: 963 615 480
1ª Edición / 160 págs. / Rústica / Inglés / Libro
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This book brings together some results of the research experiences developed by the authors within the framework of the Horizon 2020 project Trans-making. Through a 4 years research program, Trans-making aims to encourage links between art and culture, economy, democracy and innovation at EU level and beyond. For this purpose, Trans-making tries to foster a better understanding and knowledge sharing between scientific community, stakeholders and policy-makers. The final result of the project is a network of research and innovation staff active in the fields of placemaking/place-based art activities as a space to create alternative narratives for social, economic and democratic renewal. The project is based on secondments ? a period of one month or more ? spent by the participants in the project - from a sending partner to a hosting partner. The objective is to strengthen research capacities through the exchange of knowledge and expertise. A total of 276 secondments are planned throughout the 4 years of the project ? they will be transdisciplinary ? from the academic to the non-academic participants of the project and vice-versa as well as international ? from 3rd Countries to Europe and vice-versa. China, Cuba, Chile, Egypt an Morocco are the countries that will be involved ? where the question of public spaces has very different meanings and is of different nature. Around 100 researchers/staff members will be involved, coming from very different backgrounds and disciplines : economy ? cultural and social entrepreneurship ? art ? architecture ? design ? urban planning ? cultural theory ? digital technologies ? law ? human rights ? social justice ? criminology ? history ? identities ? migration ? geography ? art-based research ? cultural politics ? cultural planning ? anthropology