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Consultar disponibilidad en tiendasLos plazos estimados son para pedidos realizados antes de las 14:00h del viernes (salvo error o situaciones especiales: festivos, inventarios,etc).
2022 will go down for many as the year that COVID finally lost its grip on societies around the world and a new reality began to emerge. For those in the Worldwide Glass Community it will be remembered as much because it was the United Nations International Year of Glass, an international celebration around the globe of the richly diverse and sustainable contribution that glass makes to our daily lives .This book reveals the back story of the application to the UN and records the year-long party that followed in countries from every continent. The book is a photographic and written record for all who participated and is a guidebook for others on similar journeys in the future. It encapsulates warm memories, but the authors hope it will also stimulate future action in a world which desperately needs a framework for sustainable living.