Handbook on spanish civil patrimonial law

Handbook on spanish civil patrimonial law
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This Handbook on Spanish Civil Patrimonial Law is a concise and accurate introduction to Spanish Civil Law. It is especially interesting for students in degrees with an economic content (Business Administration, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Tourism, etc.). It is a basic text for students and teachers in the bilingual studies. It gives a general overview of the Spanish Civil Law, focusing on the economic aspects of the legal relations and institutions. That is, the Handbook not only refers to patrimonial matters, but it also gives a basic knowledge of the pillars of Civil Law. The person, the Law of obligations, the Law of contracts, non-contractual liability, rights in rem and even family and succession law are studied herein. Table of abreviations. Introduction. Chap. 1: Law and society. I. Person´s law Chap. 2: Person´s law. Practice sessions n.º 1 and 2. II. Contract law. Chap. 3: The contract. Practice session n.º 3. Chap. 4: Interpretation, integration, effectiveness and ineffectiveness of contracts. Practice session n.º 4. Chap. 5: The obligation. Practice session n.º 5. Chap. 6: Performance of obligations. Practice session n.º 6. Chap. 7: Ways of extinguishing obligations other than payment. Practice session n.º 7. Chap. 8: Non-performanceof obligations. Practice session n.º 8. Chap. 9: Contracts in particular (I). Practice session n.º 9. Chap. 10: Contracts in particular (II). Practice session n.º 10. III. Non-contractual liability. Chap. 11: Non-contractual or civil liability. Practice session n.º 11. IV. Law of things. Chap. 12: The things and the goods. Real things. Chap. 13: Private property. Real rights of guarantee. Practice sessions n.º 12 and 13. V. Family and succession law. Chap. 14: Family law. Practice session n.º 14. Chap. 15: Succesion law. Practice session n.º 15.

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