Microsoft Access 2000. Step by Step

Autor/es: Catapult
Microsoft Access 2000. Step by Step
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This book is the easiest and fastest way to teach yourself to use the latest version of Microsoft´s powerful relational database program. With this book and Microsoft Access 2000, you´ll learn to: Enter and view data view, add, and edit data using forms and tables; sort and filter records; preview and print reports; create mailing labels. Create and expand databases create new tables; relate tables and dtabases; work with external data. Turn data into meaningful information design queries and analyze data; merge data from two tables into one form. Refine your database customize forms and reports; present reports more effectively; present grouped data in a report. Take your database to the world create a set of interactive data access pages with the data access page designer; use the office Web components with your other office programs.

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