Repurposing language rights. Guiding the Uses of Artiticial Intelligence

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Repurposing Language Rights: Guiding the Uses of Artificial Intelligence is a compelling exploration of the intersection between linguistic diversity and artificial intelligence. This collective volume explores the implications of language rights in a context increasingly conditioned by the applications and uses of AI, emphasizing the need for inclusive technological advancements.
Through engaging case studies and real-world examples, the authors in this book highlight how AI can either perpetuate linguistic inequalities or become a powerful tool for empowerment. Repurposing Language Rights will appeal to both scholars and policymakers, offering insights to understand and reimagine the impacts of AI on language communities, underscoring the role of human and machine translation.
Repurposing Language Rights is an essential guide for navigating the complex landscape where language, culture, and artificial intelligence intersect, offering a roadmap toward a more equitable and culturally rich digital era.

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