Stocker and Dehnerīs Pediatric Pathology

Stocker and Dehnerīs Pediatric Pathology
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Revised and updated for its Third Edition, Stocker and Dehnerīs Pediatric Pathology provides encyclopaedic coverage of the diagnosis of pediatric disorders from the neonatal period through adolescence. It covers all major aspects of the pathologic anatomy of childhood disorders ranging from chromosomal syndromes and neoplasms to forensic pathology. Sections are organised by disease classification and by organ system. The book contains more than 1,300 gross and microscopic images, including 1,200 in full colour. This edition includes a new chapter on transplantation pathology. Other highlights include significant updates in the areas of pediatric autopsy, imaging techniques, molecular techniques, embryonic and fetal wastage, congenital abnormalities, metabolic disorders, SIDS and forensic pathology, the placenta, and the nervous system.

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